Friday, February 27, 2009

Hilly AND Chilly

That last post was Marty, BTW.

This AM we woke to frost on everything and the water we left out was partially frozen! We are guessing mid 20s last night. Tent was even frosted over... yes we slept outside.

We really needed some warmth so we waited until the restaurant opened at 7 and got going by 8 after like 15 cups of coffee..

First 25 miles included 20 miles of climbs - or it felt that way. Then, believe it or not, we had to get on Interstate 8 and bomb downhill for 13 miles - we were careful, but we were cooking.

After that, we got lost for about 6 miles, got back on track and got to El Centro at dusk - though the ride into El Centro was on THE WORST 25 miles of pavement ever - like Old Kings Road on crack (Palm Coast reference - sorry).

Very happy with the effort - about 8 AM - 5:30. Just like a real job.

Met a fellow traveler Dave (picture will be posted). We are pretty fried and must go eat!


1 comment:

  1. hey.
    just letting you know im following.
    oh that kinda sounds stalkerish.
    that dosent sound fun at all!

    i miss & love you.
