Wednesday, March 25, 2009

About Texas and a catch up blog

We should have just 2 more days in Texas, then onto LA. With this in mind, I'll share some observations of Texas:
- Texans are proud of their state and their country. I have seen hundreds of people flying the state and US flag. This is especially true of the more affluent areas.
- Texans like pick up truck, especially white ones. This is true on New Mexico also, but we have had ten vehicles in a row pass us, all of them white trucks. And yes, they are American trucks and they are the big ones; no S10s or Rangers. Chevy's and Fords lead the pack, then GMC and Dodge. I did see a Toyota one day. After further investigation I saw it had Missouri tags - traitor!
- Texans are either really friendly. (Will strike up a conversation and give advice in a heart beat) or not (Make a special effort to not respond or do so in as few words as possible. (That could be our shorts)
- Wranglers are the jean of choice. Levi's, not even an option.
- Cowboys hats, boots and belt buckets are not rare.
- Texas is not flat, at least not the part we covered.
- Texas is windy, really windy in a "I wouldn't want to live here" way. The mornings are cold, in a "I wouldn't want to live here way."
- It's is not rare to hear women talking about pick up trucks and fishing lures, in a "I wouldn't want to live here" way.
- They have 2 lane roads with 70 MPH speed limits. (65 at night)
- Oboma is more popular than we thought. We talked to 314 Texans and one thought he might do okay. The other 313? not fans.

All in all the people have been great.

We have about 1200 miles to go. Based on what we have been doing against winds, we expect to finish in 15-16, barring anything usual.

We shipped 33 lbs. of cold weather gear and one trailer today, so we will be leaner and meaner for the next 15 days!

All for now, Marty.

BTW - Jake did eat today and is holding it down. Tomorrow should be great, after all he did 86 miles while sick.

1 comment:

  1. If you have another illness day or bit-o-wind day, here are a couple true quips from my REAL thanks necessary.

    I almost got hit tonight on the way home from work by a car with a license plate that said, "Karma".

    When I couldn't drive yet, (not due to Karma, but doctor's orders), I sent my daughter, Rose, (the one who thinks my boss is a girl), with $50 to the mall to buy a new pair of shoes. She came home so excited to show me her shoe. Yes, shoe. Just one in the box.

    "Hi. Like my name is Rose. I was in your store today and I bought a shoe..." LOLOLOL.

    You're welcome and have a great day! I'll be here all week, folks. Tip your bartender.
