Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why Deming?

Some of you may be tracking the route and noticed that Deming is not on the trip.

Well, remember that choice we made Sunday to stick with the course even though knees and achilles tendons thought we ought to just take boring old Rte 70 avoiding massive climbs? Well, we had another choice this morning and this time the joints and tendons won the battle.

As we headed down 180 in the cold rain with the wind at our back, my Garmin started beeping at me to make a left and head towards Mount DOOM - Emory Pass.

The peak, shrouded in titanium hued clouds, beckoned us to test our mettle. Instead, our intelligence won the day.

As we passed the turn, the Garmin castigated us with its incessant beeping. It finally shut up, but it seemed the hills had the last laugh.

As Marty mentioned, the wind suddenly turned our 23 MPH romp down 180 to a grueling 11 MPH trudge into Deming, "Flower of the Southwest". I made that last part up... but there were flowers on the walls of that Motel I bagged.... and for me to opt to camp instead of sleep under roof is extreme.

Missing all, hope everyone is great.



  1. Hey guys!

    Sounds like you guys are giving yourselves a break.

    We are pulling for you all.

    Love: Joan, Dan and Jacob

  2. OK guys this is serious. I didn't want to bring this up earlier in the trip because you had enough on your minds with Marty's knee but now, on the eve of your arrival into the great state of Texas, I am compelled to speak. Unbeknownst to the both of of you, you are about to cross into the territory of one of the vilest, most despicable, depraved forces known to man, THE TEXAS HALF-WIT (pronounced half-a-wit).

    As strange as it sounds to you the TEXAS HALF WIT will be offended just by the notion of two grown men dressed like horse jockeys pedaling bicycles across their hallowed State. If one of them actually encountered such a sight, I shudder to think of the consequences. Luckily they are mostly nocturnal and seem to gravitate toward tractor pulls and medium to large herds of sheep so, if you are carefull, you probably wont come in contact with any.

    Becuase the TEXAS HALF WIT comes in all shapes, sizes and colors at first glance they are hard to identify but they all share the common trait of having one eye seemingly focused off to the side while the 'WIT' apears to be looking straight forward. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE WIT'S EYES! This will elicit the universal response of "what ya lookin at". There is no known answer to this question. Many have tried humor with mixed results but my advice is to brain the 'WIT' with something heavy before it even gets the last sylable out of its mouth. After all, that is how they were raised.

    Lastly you need to know that males are referred to as half-a-wits and the female gender is referred to as half-a-wit-outs. Confusing the two is almost as bad as looking them in the eye but to my knowledge males and females are raided the same so to be on the safe side go ahead and brain the WIT-OUT if you happen to look into its eye.

    I hope I have not given you too much information at once, I Know you are both tired and beat up but as a precaution and a last ditch effort to avoid violence WIT's are mesmerized by Copenhagen snuff or fresh sheep urine. If you have either of these items handy during an encounter just set them at your feet and slowly back away. I personally reccomend the Copenhagen but whatever works.

    That is all gents, be carefull.

  3. O my Lard! That is a truly frightening comment!
    But, everybody already know what a Texas HALF-WIT looks like, right?
    Have fun you guys. Be brave.
    We are pulling for you. Let us know what the bottom of the white sands looks like.

  4. And I thought running into the American Conference of Ukranian Orthodox Bishops while in Clearwater, FL was a dangerous encounter! Teaching them "Pig Polish" was an enlightening exercise!

    Pedal safely out thar boys and watch out for them Half-A-Wits and Ukie Bishops!

    Go Jake!

